Sunday, February 17, 2008

Milena Velba, Trip To Usa

Prepare your website for sale on the internet!

You surely know, the engines alone are not enough. There are only you create your first income and to give life to your site first. And they may suffice for
areas with very high demand, it is almost impossible to access this kind of first places without a good fifty sites that make you an appropriate link. Hence the need for partnership. The partnership
the simplest is to convince the author of another site to link to yours. The easiest to obtain is the link exchange. You put a link to them, they link to you. The interest is to increase your popularity (number of external links pointing to you) but also potentially put your site in front of thousands of users who may be interested. I will not dwell today on techniques to use but I'll give you something that will save you time in your partner search.
This advantage, called ALEXA.
ALEXA is a site that offers a free toolbar that lets you Balancing the importance of the sites you are prospecting. ALEXA instantly give you the world ranking of the site you visit, which directly gives you an idea of overall traffic.
A site ranked in the top 100 has millions of visitors each month, however, a classified site to the millionth place has a few dozen visitors.
With Alex, you do leave more impressed with the superb design of these sites but not actually brew a
hundred visitors per month. And you will reconsider a partnership with a site that does not look but still ranks in the top 10 000.

will save you time, because he will tell you what is important and what is not. Your competition will finally unveil its game, and you'll finally know who
mammoths around you who monopolize traffic. You'll finally know where vadrouillent users you are targeting.

ALEXA has other nice features like friendly site history and details of its leaders.

ALEXA is free, so you would be wrong to deprive yourself. If you pay from time to time to advertise then you frankly wrong not to use it. The toolbar may appear or disappear at
wish by selecting in the VIEW menu of your browser.
Personally, ALEXA follows me in all my surfing. I find it gives me a second vision on what I visit.
Enough talk, do not wait,

Install this toolbar, you tell me the news:


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