Thursday, October 28, 2010

Retaining Wall Cost In California

Bird and Birds

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Birthday Poem To Ask For Money

The Germans are tired of Muslims

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, told immigrants they had to learn German and that the attempt to transform Germany into a multicultural society had failed.

" Integration in Germany: Chancellor Angela Merkel spent the multicultural project.

Chancellor Angela Merkel has demanded this weekend immigrants they accept the values of Germany, speaking in the debate on integration that wracked the country for weeks. "(Source )

According to a recent study, more than 30% of Germans thought the country was "invaded by foreigners."

The debate has really started to get hot when Thilo Sarrazin, politician (SPD), economist and banker, board member of the Deutsche Bundesbank announced that: "the group of Muslim immigrants is the largest group linked to social demands and crime. " (Source )

But not in Germany we hear the sound of a bell. It is not only in Germany we say that Muslims do not integrate and do not accept to become German.

Last November, it was the British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, who announced that immigrants should accept the responsibility to live in the country, and that meant, inter alia, "enforce the law, speak English, and contribute." (Source ).

Last December, it was Nicolas Sarkozy who called for Muslims to integrate into French society and embrace the values of the Republic, to be less ostentatious. That is to say, among others, assimilate! (Source )

It is interesting to note that according to a recent survey, only 19% of French people support the construction of mosques in France (source ).

If you look good is the same tune is ringing across Europe.

The non-Muslim inhabitants of the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Belgium, Switzerland and Italy are getting flush cap of Muslim immigrants.

Muslims are trying to make life so difficult for Europeans that anti-immigrant wave is growing and likely to sweep over Europe shortly.

If Muslims continue to refuse to integrate and assimilate, to speak the language of the country in which they live and to demand more and more social services while continuing to represent a majority of the criminal population, more and more people will demand that immigrants are returning home.

For more details on the criminality of immigrants, see for example the Danish study (since this type of study is, oddly, not in France):

Basically, Denmark, 65% of people under 18 years appeared before a judge were of foreign origin and 35% in Denmark.

If we took all ages, there were more or less the same figures: 1715 people had been brought before a judge, 63% were foreigners, 37% were Danish.

Police records country of origin of foreigners, and the 84 foreigners arrested under 18, only one came from another Scandinavian country. None came from another European country. The other 83 people came:

10 of the former Yugoslavia
12 of Morocco
8 of 9 of Iraq
5 of 6 of Lebanon
rest of the Middle East

6 7 of Turkey for Europe Eastern
The rest came from countries like Pakistan and other countries. (Source )

Personally, I met a multitude of immigrants, young Chinese, Indian, Korean, Russian and others who are perfectly adapted, who have learned our language and are not distinguished from other people. They work and contributing to society.

groups who refuse to adapt will necessarily be dependent on society and crime is a very logical result.

multicultural society can only work if people who come from another culture, integrate, assimilate, learn our language and contribute to society and accept our traditions and values.

groups of people who refuse to do that have traditionally and through world history, always been called invaders .

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sample Congratulation Letter; Citizenship

transfomer An event that is well into civil war ... Selfportrait

broken car
Parpaings ordnance
burned garbage
Burn Tires
Lacrymogènes bombs dropped
3 rows of riot police pay Stop UNO
and report to me .....

Dad Son: "you say bah valentine Made as a wooden leg?"

A photo of the site exit EST Telegram .... I am looking for me ^ ^