Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Driver Audio Mv42v1.3

Nobody has hijacked Islam and Muslims

several years now, Muslims have excused the wild and outrageous acts of their co-religionists by saying that these people do not follow the "true Islam". Many Muslims

inform naive infidels, saying that "true Muslims" would never do such a thing, because Islam means peace and is a religion of peace.

Islam means "submission" and does not mean "peace" rather than "pet" did not mean peace!

We heard many of these explanations, especially after the September 11 massacre.

Before that day, many people still believed that Islam was a religion like Christianity or Judaism.

The facade of Islam has collapsed along with the two World Trade Center buildings that have thrown thousands of innocent people in death.

Muslims and their apologists have tried since to acknowledge some extremists have "hijacked" their religion. When a Jew becomes

crazy and flip, and attacked a group of Muslim believers, the Muslim world blames Israel, all Jews and all Zionists.

An attack, and it is the fault of the Jews.

But when thousands of terrorist acts since September 11 ( 16 200 identified to date) are committed by thousands and thousands of Muslims, who belong to different ethnicities and cultures, we can not blame Muslims as these barbaric acts of butchery and savagery are not committed by "true Muslims".

I think I will be able to understand and accept the apology if all terrorists were Indonesian and did not understand the Qur'an, for it is written in Arabic.

But how to explain that all the terrorists of September 11 came from countries where Arabic is spoken? What they have misunderstood, then?

How is it possible that the Muslims of Indonesia ( Bali bombings, 2002 ), the Philippines ( Valentine's Day bombings, 2005 ), Pakistan ( the killing of Mumbai, 2008 ), Syria ( the massacre of Hama, 1982 ) and many others have misunderstood the Quran the exact same way?

These people come from different countries, different cultures. And so, these Somalis, Berbers, Arabs, Bangladeshis, Nigerians, Algerians, Indonesians, etc.. Etc.. Have all misunderstood the Quran the same way?

Maybe you, Ahmed, a Muslim moderate, who is the person who does not follow the Koran. You're the Muslim moderate forget the command to kill infidels. You're the moderate Muslim who ignores the violent Medina sura and who does not know that this sura verses abrogate the moderate and humane of Mecca.

Maybe you even think that Islam means peace. In this case, it is you who hijacked Islam.


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