Friday, December 24, 2010

How To Clean A White Resin Watch Band

J'm'habille as i want the Jewish people

Muslim propaganda often announces that there is no dress code in the Koran. Those that require Burka or other form of sailing, do not follow the Koran.

Yet, the Koran actually says that women must be dressed decently and did not excite the men (who apparently are so primitive they are incapable of managing their instincts).

And see it that way, so it's not the ladies who decide what is or not exaggerated, but indeed these gentlemen.

So it is true, as propaganda announcement: there is no detailed description of the burka or another and it is not said explicitly what to wear or not.

But there's still a lot of details on the thickness, length and other clothing.

And then we Sura 33:59:

O Prophet! Tell thy wives and thy daughters and the women of the believers to draw their veils over them: they will soon be recognized and not molested. Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

Small video of the day: the control of women's clothing in Iran.

If this kind of thing is not "according to the Koran," why is it that the government allows these patrols, then? And imams?

Monday, December 20, 2010

Manuel Utilisation Demarreur Orbit


Friday, December 17, 2010

Wooden Catapult Blueprints

How did he become the chosen people? A little humor

After the creation of the world and man and all. God wants a people who choose to be a light to mankind and proclaiming his message to the world.

God then approach various nations with whom He wants to make a pact and therefore proposed the pact if those nations are willing to follow his commandments.

It first contacts the Persians and said: become my chosen people and follow my commandments.
The Persians ask: what is a commandment?
God answers: It is a law, for example: "Thou shalt not commit adultery." The Persians
answer: No, but it will not head? We love, adultery and orgies. Forget it!

God therefore approach Assyrians and said: become my chosen people and follow my commandments. The Assyrians
ask: what is a commandment?
God answers: It is a law, for example: "Thou shalt not steal." The Assyrians
answer: no, no, no! We love to pillage. Forget it!

approach God then the Arabs and said, become my chosen people and follow my commandments.
Arabs ask: what is a commandment?
God answers: It is a law, for example: "Thou shalt not commit murder."
Arabs meet: WE, are you crazy? It gets off to murder innocent women and children. Go, pluck you from there!

approach God the Jews and said unto them become my chosen people and follow my commandments.
Jews ask: how much does it costs, your commandments?
God, a little surprised, replied: Well ... uh ... nothing.
Jews respond: It is free? So we take them!

But hey, seriously: It is important to understand that, for the Jews of being "chosen people" does not confer any special powers and no additional merit.

They are, instead, additional obligations rather than anything else.

rabbinical writings are very clear on this point: non-Jews, though not elected, are also created in the image of God who loves them as much as Jews. But they have less obligation the Jews.

For this reason it is not necessary, in Judaism, proselytizing or trying to convert anyone.

There was absolutely no need to be Jewish to love God and have a relationship with Him.

Compared to Allah, for example, one can easily see the differences. Allah requires total submission (Islam) to the only "true belief".

Islam does mean peace or tolerance. Islam means "submission" and nothing else.

Prayer in Islam is not a conversation with God as in Judaism or Christianity, no. It is a total submission to the routine des cinq doses de prières par jour.

Il n'y a aucun Dieu personnifié à qui parler.

Jamais vous ne verrez un enfant musulman demander : Allah? Veux-tu bénir mon chaton ?

Ce que vous entendrez dans la prière d'un enfant musulman de quatre ou cinq ans est de demander à Allah de détruire ces porcs et singes juifs et américains.

Et pensez que ce culte barbare, déguisé en religion, est autorisé en Europe.

Est-ce que nous autoriserions des Aztecs à pratiquer des sacrifices de vierges sur des autels en banlieue parce qu'ils font partie d'un culte accepté ?

Si nous n'achetions pas de pétrole these people, I doubt that anyone would consider Islam as anything but a cult and a barbaric political system that is not worth much.

Islam is also unique to Arabs that Nazism was to the Germans. This means that you will find Arabs who have absolutely no relation to Islam. May well be an Arab Christian, Jew or atheist just as every German was not a Nazi.

But there is nothing wrong with wanting to destroy Islam, as we did the Nazis. Let Islam grow, let it fascism as evil, like a cancer under the mask of religion to destroy the Western world.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Cherry Limeade Margarita From Ocharleys

, I do not like Christmas


Thank you all for voting for this CANON CONTEST
now move on,
Christmas is almost here, so here is my last photo series.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Letter Wedding Priest

For some reason x or y, it is apparently forbidden to laugh at Muslims and Arabs.

I'm sorry but I do not see why it would be forbidden to laugh at Islam that Jews, blacks, Christians, whites or yolks.

So here's a small series of jokes, more or less good, more or less funny ... up to you.

Q: Muslim used as contraception?
A: Their faces (see photo-cons).

Q: What do we say to a Muslim who has everything his arm in a camel's ass?
A: Bagnole down?

Q: How to knock a Muslim?
A: Dress in the goat.

Q: How should Muslims to change a roll of toilet paper?
A: What's the toilet paper?

Q: What do Muslims in the preliminaries?
A: They tickled under the goatee and the horns.

Q: What is an extremist and narrow moron thinking?
A: Anyone who criticizes Islam or Muslims.

Q: How does one call a Muslim who has a goat and a camel?
A: Bisexual.

Q: What is the common point between Tehran and Hiroshima?
A: No ... for now.

Q: How does one call a Muslim who has 6 goats?
A: A pimp.

Q: What is the difference between ET and Muslims?
A: At one point, and realized he had to "go home".

Q: What is Saudi Arabia could to increase the IQ in the country?
A: Allow Jews in the country. (See here )

One learns that one of his wives Mustafa wants to leave.
He hurries and finds one of his wives in front of the tent with her belongings in bundles.
He sits beside her and said:
- I was told you wanted me to quit?
- Yes, she replies. I heard your other women say that you were a pedophile.
Mustafa thought a little and replies:
- Pedophile, huh? It is a big word in the mouth of a girl of six years!

Q: You know the story of this violent pedophile for 53 years?
A: Yes. He is revered by about a fifth of the world's population as a guru of the most intolerant religion, the most oppressive, most misogynistic and most violent in the world.

Q: How can a Muslim mother teaches her son which way to put his underpants?
A: The detonator before, my darling.

Q: What is the order that Muslims hear most often?
A: Accused stand up.

In Israel, a Jewish man is sitting in the bus and reads a French newspaper
A friend from the bus and sees him and asks him:
- David? T'y'es crazy or what? Why are you reading the newspaper instead of the French newspaper usual Hebrew?
David replies:
- Well you know, I read the Hebrew newspaper before, but I read what? I read that Jews were persecuted always at this time. That Israel was attacked again, that Jews are kidnapped ... So now I read the French newspaper. And I read what? That Jews control the banks, Jews control the media, Jews are rich, Israel controls the Middle East ... The news is much better!

Q: You have how many Palestinians to replace a light bulb?
A: None. They remain in the dark and blame the Jews.

Q: What is the definition of a virgin in the U.S.?
A: Any female person under 18 years.
Q: What is the definition of a virgin in France?
A: Any female person under 16 years.
Q: What is the definition of a virgin in Islam?
R1: Any female person under the age of 9 years.
R2: A goat can run faster than a Muslim.

Q: What is the word used to refer to a Muslim terrorist in the French newspapers?
A: The victim.

A man walks into a bookstore and request a book on suicide. The bookseller offered him the Koran.

Q: What is the second most spoken language in France?
A: The French.

Finally here's a little joke on the Israeli-Palestinian

In a bar, what happens there when a fly falls into a coffee

The Italian: He throws the cup, broken hand and gesticulating and shouting at scandal. The German
: He meticulously cleans the cup, sterilized and made another coffee.
The French: It removes the fly and drinks the coffee.
The Chinese: He eats the fly and throws away the coffee. The Russian
: He drinks coffee and fly with, as there was no extra charge. The Israeli
: He sells coffee in French, fly to the Chinese, drinking tea and use the remaining money to invent a mechanism to prevent flies from falling into the cafe. The Palestinian
: He accuses Israel of having dropped the fly in his coffee, sends a protest to the UN about this new Israeli aggression. He obtained a loan from the European Union to buy a new coffee, uses the money to buy explosives and blew up the bar in which the Italian, French, Chinese, German and Russian are in the process of explain to the Israelis that he should give her tea in a Palestinian.