Muslim propaganda often announces that there is no dress code in the Koran. Those that require Burka or other form of sailing, do not follow the Koran.
Yet, the Koran actually says that women must be dressed decently and did not excite the men (who apparently are so primitive they are incapable of managing their instincts).
And see it that way, so it's not the ladies who decide what is or not exaggerated, but indeed these gentlemen.
So it is true, as propaganda announcement: there is no detailed description of the burka or another and it is not said explicitly what to wear or not.
But there's still a lot of details on the thickness, length and other clothing.
And then we Sura 33:59:
O Prophet! Tell thy wives and thy daughters and the women of the believers to draw their veils over them: they will soon be recognized and not molested. Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
Small video of the day: the control of women's clothing in Iran.
If this kind of thing is not "according to the Koran," why is it that the government allows these patrols, then? And imams?
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