Thursday, November 25, 2010

Separate Wedding Ceremony And Reception

I think women's rights

order to improve the way the public understands Islam, Muslim organizations have used a good portion of the funds given by the English state to educate those ignorant of Islam in English.

These associations have launched a campaign "Inspired by Muhammad " (inspired by Mohammad), and you can see these big signs everywhere on buses and in subways.

For example, the poster attached announces:

"I think women's rights," as believed in Muhammad (or Mohammed also "- to sing in the tune of" Felicia, also "). This campaign

is not designed to inform, but to counter that the majority of English think of Islam and Muslims.

A study conducted by YouGov, in fact, found that:

58% of the population associates Islam with extremism.
50% of the population associates Islam with terrorism.
53% of the population believes that Islam is a danger to the West.
69% of the population believes that Islam promotes the repression of women. ( source)

Some gossips might say that indeed, between 31% and 50% of the population is unaware and over again that Islam encourages terrorism and encourages the oppression of women.

Let us talk about the freedoms of women in Islam. Some suras substantiates this (I copied and pasted the suras from the net):

Men ripe have the right to marry in prepubertal girls:
As for those who n have not menstruate, and discover they are pregnant, their interim ends after giving birth . (Surah 65.4)

Husbands have the right to hit their wives
Men have authority over women, because Allah has given to those over them, and because they spend out of their property. The righteous women are devoutly obedient (to their husbands), and protect what needs to be protected during the absence of their husbands with Allah's protection. And as for those whom you fear disobedience, admonish them, refuse to share their beds and beat them. If they return to obedience, seek not a way against them, surely Allah is High, Great! (Surah 4:34)

A man has the right to be polygamous and have up to four women:
And if you fear of not being justly with the orphans ... It is permissible to marry two, three or four among the women of your choice, but if you fear of not being fair with them, then only one, or you have slaves (Sura 4: 3)

Slave women are sexual property for their male owner:
unless they are your right hands possess. Prescription of Allah upon you! Apart from that, you are allowed to search, using your property and concluding marriage not committing fornication. Then, as you enjoy them, give them their dowries, as something due. There is no sin against you that you conclude any agreement between you after setting the mahr. Surely Allah is Knower, Wise. (Surah 4:24)

A woman can remarry her ex-husband if and only if she marries another man and that he divorced
If divorced her ( the third time) then it will no longer be permitted until it has married another. And if this (last) repudiates then both commit no sin together again, if they think they can both comply with the orders of Allah. (Sura 2:230)

The testimony of a woman counts to half that of a man :
Make two witnesses from among your men, and if two men, one man and two women, such as ye choose, for witnesses, so that if one of them errs, the other can remind her. (Sura 2:282)

A man inherits twice including a woman inherits:
Here is what Allah enjoins you concerning your children: the son, a portion equal to that of two females. (Surah 4:11)

men dominate their wives:
For their part, they have rights equivalent to their obligations in accordance with propriety. But men have a degree above them . (Surah 2:228)

A husband has sex with his wife as a farmer plows:
Your wives are a tilth you, go to your tilth as [when] you want and work for yourself in advance . (Surah 2:223)

... And more!

Well, now, some might say that these passages were written 1400 years ago and we should not judge modern Islam from that.

Okay. So let's see how some modern Muslims apply Shariah today

Here is a brief compilation of women's rights in Muslim countries today ( source) is the translation:

We talk a lot, they time, women's rights in Islam.

This list is based on the version of Islam in Saudi Arabia (Wahhabism), which is the power of Islam, which strictly follows the Quran, Mohammad, etc.. And which is widely spread around the world with fortunes made through the oil.

Peninsula Arabic is the birthplace of Islam and the Saudis themselves as the true conservative Islam.

can appoint other people who join the enslavement and oppression of women for religious reasons as the Iranians, Afghans and Pakistanis.

Muslim women have the right never to mix with men or even talk to a man who is not family (genetically or by marriage).

Muslim women have the right to strike if they mingle with men.

Muslim women have the right to be oppressed because they are women.

Muslim women have the right to be the slave of a man they dislike, and the right, very young, being forced into an arranged marriage against their sandstone.

Muslim women have the right to call their master "husband".

Muslim women are entitled to obey their master / husband.

Muslim women have the right to bear regularly blows dealt by their husbands.

Muslim women have the right to bear children continuously after an arranged marriage and after being raped regularly by their husbands.

Muslim women have the right not to divorce an abusive husband and abusive.

Muslim women have the right to lose their children if their husbands divorce.

Muslim women have the right not to marry a non-Muslim.

Muslim women have the right to fight if they do not cover.

Muslim women have the right not to put the sun as they are forced to cover themselves.

Muslim women have the right to have vitamin D and suffer from osteomalacia due to lack of contact with the sun.

Muslim women have the right to dress in black to suffer from hyperthermia under the blazing sun of the Arab countries.

Muslim women have the right not to educate (Pakistan, Afghanistan).

Muslim women have the right to never drive a car.

Muslim women have the right never to leave their homes without a male member of the family do with it.

Muslim women have the right to be raped (often gang rape) if they are alone in the street.

Muslim women have the right to be stoned or hanged if they were raped.

Muslim women have the right to brutally kill if they "dishonor their family."

Muslim women have the right to be killed if they leave Islam.

Muslim women are entitled to have their genitals mutilated.

I have to admit my mistake: I wrote one day that Muslims have no sense of humor. But after seeing this poster at the top of this article, I feel obligated to revise that view.

Muslims actually have a sense of humor ... At less, quite simply, they take us for idiots?

Monday, November 22, 2010

Masterbation In

works: The animal

I chose the bird as a topic in the topic of animal
referring to Labour Gilles Aillaud.
is an evolving project through simple sketches of birds, for the screen and then burn by drawings Feather graphics using different techniques.

simple sketch pencil

Watercolor Sketch:

Engraving Wood:


Representation of the plume gouache, bomb ...

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Pain When Peeing Fever

Paradise is in Gaza to understand

Sometimes I wonder if the photos and reports on Gaza (like "open prison" (sic Express) are made from a reserve in Gaza and how these affect extras?

remember us that Gaza, which yet is a nest of terrorists, usually receives 15 000 tonnes of aid to Israel each week.

Just stand at the border to come see long lines of trucks filled with poultry, fish, dairy products, vegetables, milk powder, baby food, wheat.

Life in Gaza a paradise.

No, this is not a joke. Here are photos, not retouched, Gaza. Finally, photos that do not show every day, it does not sell magazines as well as women in black now whining about the ruins, but these photos are nevertheless quite true.

These photos come from a Palestinian website, they are not pictures of "Zionist propaganda". They come from the Arab newspaper: Palestine Today and you can see them online on the original site here , if you still have doubts.

I understand why Muslims are offended. It is quite logical to be shocked to know that the Arabs living in Gaza under the Israeli regime better than their brothers who live under various Muslim regimes.

For in Muslim countries, with some sheiks and some oil sheikhs who live under conditions of paradise, the rest of their brothers are far from knowing the conditions proposed by the Jewish state.

The following video was filmed in September 2010. Watch the video, Ahmed, and saliva!

Come on, be frank: the life given by the Jews is still more attractive and nicer than the one proposed by Islam, right? No need to kill yourself to find paradise, you just have to come to Gaza!