Thursday, January 6, 2011

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Laugh Islam

Right now, Muslims are campaigning on campaign to intimidate the West and undermine our principles. Among other things, trying to destroy our right of expression, especially when it comes to criticism of Islam.

There is a parade for this: attack their belief in the cult murderer. But to do this, we must understand their psychology.

The Muslim mind is prérationnel, predator and tribal.

It is useless to appeal to reason, because they think that the belief supplants reason, and the multitude of contradictions in the Koran does not bother them at all.

Islam has still not reached the age of enlightenment and is still in the Middle Ages.

In fact, worship is justified in taking control of entire countries, and maintains its position using lynchings, attacks and threats rather by its light or spirituality.

The call to decency or humanity is useless against Islam.

Muslims believe it is their duty to kill, rape, swindle and steal the kafirs (unbelievers). It is included in one hand and the Koran is simply part of their worship.

" do unto others what you do not want done to yourself " does not go beyond the limits of their own tribe: the Ummah.

So it's a waste of time to show the atrocities committed by Muslims. This is an encouragement.

say that Muslims are parasites in the West is also ineffective because this is why they are here, they acknowledge, and have absolutely no shame in that.

The way to combat the Muslims is damaging their ego is so bloated and fragile.

Muslims are located in tribal stage précivilisé development.

They worship totems of their tribe and go into a rage when they were "desecrated". Like teenagers unstable, they are always looking for "meaning" and "respect."

Their search for "meaning" is often assuaged by television dhimmis who claim that Muslims have invented everything and that the West has successfully than with Islam.

Their search for "compliance" makes them do their best to reduce criticism of their cult killer to silence using threats, intimidation and censorship. The Muslim party in Great Britain, for example, is called "Respect."

Islam is a culture based on principles of honor / shame, dominance / subjugation. Avoid / get one and inflict another.

Allah is the only god that humans can "humiliate".

Muslims do not want to kafirs like. Ultimately, they are not allowed to have friends like kafirs.

Muslims expect to be feared and hated (their version, a bit 'gangsta', respect) by the kafirs.

The only thing they do not expect and they are not able to manage is mockery.

That is their greatest weakness.

Muslims want to be taken particularly seriously. They can not stand criticism, they do not support the ridiculous and most importantly, they do not support their totem is ridiculed. As every Muslim

identified with Mohammed, "the perfect man," Mohammed means insulting every Muslim insult.

is ultimately the principle behind the reactions violence against the caricatures of Mohammed.

So to undermine Muslims and fight their requirements, we need to ridicule and humiliate their three major poles: Allah, Mohammed and the Koran.

Note that given the state prérationnel their culture, you will not get a response to intellectual humiliation of these totems. They should be humiliated in a physical way (such as cartoons) to produce a reaction and to bring Muslims into the mode "rage".

So a theological critique of Allah, a biography of Muhammad or a textual criticism of the Koran will perhaps attract a few death threats, but will not cause reaction violent.

But if we show Allah on wrapping paper, or Mohammed appeared in a cartoon or the Koran in a toilet there, millions of overinflated egos explode at once.

Here's a little humor here (English) .

And in French here.


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